Bibliography (English)
- Okai T, Kuwabara Y, Imanishi Y, Muronosono E, Kozuma S, Mukubo M, Shi S, Unno N, Maeda T, Shinozuka N, Nagaya K, Mizuno M.
Development of Extrauterine fetal Incubation System Using Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenator.
- Kuwabara Y, Okai T, Murata T, Kozuma S, Shinozuka N, Maeda T, Mizuno M.
- Shinozuka N, Okai T, Kozuma S, Mukubo M, Shih CT, Maeda T, Kuwabara Y, Mizuno M.
Formulas for Fetal Weight Estimation by Ultrasound Measurements Based on Neonatal Specific Gravities and Volumes.
Am J Obstet Gynecol 1987;157(5):1140-1145.
- Shinozuka N, Maeda T, Kozuma S, Okai T, Kuwabara Y, Mizuno M.
ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. EXCERPTA MEDICA, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1988:505-508.
- Kuwabara Y, Okai T, Kozuma S, Unno N, Akiba K, Shinozuka N, Maeda T, Mizuno M.
Artificial Placenta: Long-term Extrauterine Incubation of Isolated Goart Fetuses.
Artificial Organs 1989;13(6):527-531.
- Shinozuka N, Okai T, Kuwabara Y, Mizuno M.
The development of sleep-wakefullness cycle and it's correlation to other behavior in the human fetus.
Asia-Oceania J. Obstet. Gynecol. 1989;15(4):395-402.
- Shinozuka N, Okai T, Mukubo M, Baba K, Kuwabara Y, Mizuno M.
Fourteeen Years' Experience and Management and Use of Perinatal Data-Base system.
Asia-Oceania J. Obstet. Gynecol. 1989;15(1):53-57.
- Shinozuka N, Masuda H, Okai T, Kuwabara Y, Mizuno M.
Computer-Assisted Analysis of Fetal Behavior in Fetal Abnormalities.
Fetal Ther. 1989;4(2-3):97-109.
- Unno N, Kuwabara Y, Shinozuka N, Akiba K, Kozuma S, Mizuno M. Development of Artificial Placenta:
Oxygen Metabolism of Isolated Goat Fetuses with Umbilical Arteriovenous Extracorporeal Menbrane Oxxygenetion.
Fetal Diagn. Ther. 1990;5(3-4):189-195.
- Unno N, Kuwabara Y, Okai T, Kozuma S, Shinozuka N, Mizuno M, Kuwana K.
Extrauterine Incubation of Goat Fetuses Using Umbilical Arterio-venous Exracorporeal Menbrane Oxygenetors.
Artificial Organs 1990;14, Suppl 3:268-269.
- Shinozuka N, Yamakoshi Y, Okai T, Mizuno M.
Tracking of Breathing Movements by Pulsed Doppler Ultrasound.
Ultrasound Obstet. Gynecol. 1991;1(3):202-207.
- Unno N, Kuwabara Y, Shinozuka N, Akiba K, Okai T, Kozuma S, Mizuno M.
Development of an artificial placenta: optical extracorporeal blood flow in goat fetuses during extrauterine incubation with umbilical arterio-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
Artif. Organs Today 1992;2(3):197-204.
- Okai T, Kozuma S, Shinozuka N, Kuwabara Y, Mizuno M.
A study on the development of sleep-wakefullness cycle in the human fetus.
Early Hum. Dev. 1992;29(1-3):391-396.
- Shinozuka N, Yamakoshi Y, Taketani Y.
New Method for Fetal Breathing Movements Tracking using Real-time Pulsed Doppler Ultrasound Displacement Measurement.
J Ultrasound Med 1994;13:19-25.
- Shinozuka N, Yamakoshi Y. Measurement of Fetal Movements using Multi-channel Ultrasound Plused Doppler
- Auto-recognition of fetal movements by maximum entropy method -.
Med. Biol. Eng. Comput. 1993;31:S59-S66.
- Shinozuka N, Oie K, Yamakoshi Y, Taketani Y.
Transvaginal Ultrasonographic Orientation Detection System using Ceramic Gyroscope.
J Ultrasound Med 1996;15(2):107-113.
- Shinozuka N, Masda H, Kagawa H, Taketani Y.
Standard Values of Ultrasonographic Fetal Biometry.
Jap Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 1996;12(12):877-888.
- Yamakoshi Y, Shimizu T, Shinozuka N, Masuda H. Automated fetal breathing movement detection from internal small displacement measurement. Biomedizinische Technik 41:242-7.1996
- Yamakoshi Y, Otaki H, Shinozuka N, Masuda H. Internal tissue displacement measurement based on ultrasonic wave Doppler signal digital detection and its application to fetal movement. Ultrasonics 34:769-775. 1996
- Unno N, Wu WX, Wong CH, Bennet PR, Shinozuka N, Nathanielsz PW. Prostaglandin Reguration of Fetal Plasma Adrenocorticotropin and Cortisol Concentrations in Late Gestation Sheep. Biology of Reproduction ;58.514-519:1998
- Shinozuka N, Nathanielsz PW. Oxytocin (OT) induced increased contracture frequency at 96 to 131 days gestation (dGA) shifts fetal (F) oxygen dissociation curve to the left. J Soc Gynecol Invest 1998;5:152A.
- Shinozuka N, Nathanielsz PW. Electrocortical activity in fetal sheep in th last seven days of gestation. J Physiol 1998;513.1:273-281.
- Shinozuka, N,Yen A, and Nathanielsz PW. Alteration of fetal oxygenation and responses to acute hypoxemia by increased myometrial contracture frequency produced by pulse administration of oxytocin to the pregnant ewe from 96 to 131 days' gestation. Am J Obstst Gynecol 180: 1999, 1202-1208
- Wu, WX, Ma, XH, Yoshizato T, Shinozuka, N, Nathanielsz, PW Differential expression of myometrial oxytocin receptor and prostaglandin H synthase 2, but not estrogen receptor alpha and heat shock protein 90 messenger ribonucleic acid in the gravid horn and nongravid horn in sheep during betamethasone-induced labor. Endocrinology. 1999:140: 5712-8
- Shinozuka, N,Yen A, and Nathanielsz PW. Increased myometrial contracture frequency at 96-140 days accelerates fetal cardiovascular maturation. Am J Physiol 278: 2000, H41-49.
- Yoshida S, Unno N, Kagawa H, Shinozuka N, Kozuma S, Taketani Y. Prenatal detection of high-risk group for intrauterine growth restriction based on sonographic fetal biometry. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2000;68:225-232.
- Shinozuka N, Akamatsu N, Sato S, Kanzaki T, Takeuch H, Natori M, Chiba Y, Okai T. Ellipse Tracing Fetal Growth Assessment Using Abdominal Circumference: JSUM Standardization Committee for Fetal Measurements. J Med Ultrasound 2000;8(2):87-94.
- Yoshida S, Unno N, Kagawa H, Shinozuka N, Kozuma S, Taketani Y. Sonographic Determination of Fetal Size form 20 Weeks of Gestation Onward Correlates with Birth Weight. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2001;27(4):205-211.
- Sato S, Fujita Y, Nakano H, Akamatsu N, Chiba Y, Okai T, Natori M, Kanzaki T, Shinozuka N, Takeuch H. Chronologic Changes in Dopper Indices in theUmbilical anc Middle Cereberal Arteries in the Japanese Fetuses: JSUM Standardization Committee for Fetal Measurements. J Med Ultrasound 2001;9(2):73-78.
- Yamakoshi Y, Takemoto M, Shinozuka N. Interpolation of missing part of human follicle border on ultrasonic B-mode image by iterative revision. Ultrason Imaging 2000;22(2):108-22.
- Wu WX, Ma XH, Yoshizato T, Shinozuka N, Nathanielsz PW. Increase in prostaglandin H synthase 2, but not prostaglandin F2alpha synthase mRNA in intrauterine tissues during betamethasone-induced premature labor and spontaneous term labor in sheep. J Soc Gynecol Investigation 2001;8(2):69-76.
- Shinozuka N, Fetal biometry and fetal weight estimation: JSUM standardization. Ultrasound Rev Obstet Gynecol 2002;2:156-161.
- Shinozuka N, Animal studies of fetal maturation. In: Kurjak A, Chervenak FA, eds. Textbook of Perinatal Medicine Second Edition. London: Informa UK Ltd., 2006 (vol I).
- Shinozuka N, Taguchi A. Ultrasound diagnosis and management of intra-uterine growth restriction. Ultrason Rev Obstet Gynecol 2006;6:157-162.